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VCFMW 17 Telephone Information

Quick Reference for Important Numbers

Analog Telephone Use Instructions


Three-way Conference

Answer a Call-Waiting Call


Quick Reference for Important Numbers

0VCFMW Operator
1200NXXXXXXC*NET access
411VCFMW Directory Assistance
611Telephone Company Repair
TALK (8255)VCFMW Talks Audio Feed

Analog Telephone Use Instructions

Most of the VCFMW analog telephones are served off of a Nortel Merdian Option 11C PBX. Many of those lines have certain calling features turned on, specifically 3 way calling and call waiting.

All Meridian lines are equipped with 3 way calling, and lines which were not intended for modem usage are equipped with call waiting.


To consult privately with a 3rd party: depress the hookswitch once momentarily; listen for recall dial tone; dial third party's telephone number; listen for ringing; third party answers; consult.

To return to original party: depress switchook twice, each time momentarily.

Three-way Conference

To add a 3rd party: place the original call on hold by depressing the hookswitch once, momentarily; listen for recall dial tone; dial third party's telephone number; listen for ringing; depress the switchook once more momentarily; all three parties are connected.

To remove a 3rd party: depress switchhook once, momentarily.

Answer a Call-Waiting Call

While in a call, the call waiting tone may be heard indicating there is another caller attempting to connect.

To answer the 3rd party: depress hookswitch once momentarily; 3rd party is connected, original call is placed on hold.

To return to the original call: depress hookswitch once momentarily; original call is returned and the 3rd party is disconnected.


2000Telephone company general ACD queue
2001Alternate operator DN
2002/2003Telephone company ACD sets
2004Telephone company 500 set
2020jbevren's red telephone
2021Josh Stein's klud.ge BBS
2022Josh Stein's terminal line
2023ECCC Crew
2024Eric Canales' phone
2025Nevet's teletype
2026Genericable emergency alert device
2027Genericable phone
2028Andy Geppert's phone
2029Andy Geppert's modem
2030Inverse Phase
2033Commodore Z
2034Joshua Conboy's BBS
2036Joshua Conboy's table
2037Jim Happel
2038Jesus Eric
2039Badge table courtesy phone
2041jns' payphone
2042Forgotten Machines

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This page was last modified 2023-02-05 13:51:31.895384069 -0600