AABETC, ACCODE, ACDADMIN were already empty ACDDNDR is not edited directly, instead those entries are modified in DNROUTE. DNROUTE has a number of dependents, but they were all empty. E911PSAP had a single default entry which did not need deletion. DNROUTE contained a UCD DN which could not be deleted if any sets were logged in to the UCD group. One workaround is to simply remove the sets which are logged in to the UCD group. In this particular case, the UCD group was an SMDI one used for voicemail to an external cisco voicemail system. As a result, the sets assigned to the group were also set to automatically log in to the group. These UCD lines were deleted from within SERVORD. SERVORD also warned that they had tuples in DNGRPS. On another note, there's some kind of bad phantom tuple in DNGRPS in the 3rd position that is presenting a barrier. The workaround is to use the BOTTOM command and work your way up to view tuples past that point, but this could become problematic later. Anyway, use the SDNA command with FUNCTION 'DEL' to remove these tuples from within SERVORD. DNROUTE contained references to routes which had been deleted at some time in the past and could not be deleted as a result. The workaround was to create the bad routes so they exist again, then the tuples could be deleted. Alternatively, the tuples could be CHAnged so that they point to a valid route, after which they could be deleted. After clearning DNROUTE, ACDDNDR is now empty. ACDENLOG was empty ACDGRP was next. This has a lot of interdependency, mostly because it pulls in line and trunk tables. First ACDSGRP was cleared. RESMEM, DPROFILE, PREFHUNT were already empty. LTDATA was cleared. FTRGOPTS, FTRGDEFS were already empty. CUSTSMDR was cleared. TVDSTRKS, ICIDATA, WCKCODES were already empty. ACDLOGIN was cleared. PRECONF, CGNSCRN were already empty. AUTHCDE was cleared. ANIDATA, TOLLTRKS, LTDSD, ISTRKGRP, TKTONODE, SSPTKINF, KTMINMAX, KTGROUP, KP2TRUNK, FNMAP were already empty. CLLIMTCE$DIAGDATA and CLLIMTCE cannot be cleared directly, instead it is derived from other tables that must be cleared. CICSIZE4, BILLCODE, ATTSCHED, ANICNCTL, AMATKOPT, SIPLINK, DPTRKMEM, TRKOPTS were already empty. TRKRCSEL was cleared. PVCINFO, LIDINFO, X75INFO, ISUPDEST, SPECCONN were already empty. table ALMSC was cleared. TSTXCON, SPCTRKS, RCO2MAP were already empty. table OHBTINV is automatically filled when LNINV is filled and cannot be cleared manually. the tuple in OHBTADMN cannot be deleted. NLUPCLLI was already empty. ALTSCHED was cleared as it is a dependent on MTAHORIZ. MTAHORIZ was cleared. ESAHNPA, ESARTE, ROTLSCSD were already empty. MSGRTE was cleared. CONF6PR first needed the 6 port conference trunks to be in the INB state. This was done through mapci;mtc;trks;ttp. The trunk group was posted with 'post g cf6p'. Then they were busied with 'bsy mb all', followed by 'bsy inb all'. Then the tuples were removed from CONF6PR. SSRFORM was left alone as I'm pretty sure the contents are the default fill and won't present any issue. The manual says the SSR600 datafill is 'provided with the feature'. TKCVDATA, C7LINK, C7ISL, C7TRKMEM, AIMDATA were already empty. TRKMEM first needed the trunk members to be in the INB state. This was again done through mapci;mtc;trks;ttp. The trunk group was posted with 'post g '. Then the members were busied with 'bsy mb all', followed by 'bsy inb all'. Then the tuples were removed from TRKMEM. LTMAP first needed the D channels to be in the INB state. This was accomplished from mapci;mtc;trks;ttp;pradch. The D channels were posted with 'post gd '. Then the D channels were busied with 'bsy mb all' followed by 'bsy inb all'. Then the tuples were removed from LTMAP. TRKSGRP was partially cleared until a trunk subgroup was found that was referenced from a route table. SUPERTKG, DNDSCHED, STRATTRS were empty. LTCALLS was cleared. PRTN2CCD, PODPATTR were already empty. MDNMEM should be cleared from servord. At this point, it was decided to remove all sets from KSETLINE and IBNLINES through SERVORD. (LENLINES was already empty). There were lines that had Subscriber Line Usage (SLU) enabled on them, which was removed. The SLU tables can be listed with the SLU_TABLE_STATUS command from within the SLU CI level. From within the tables, the lines with SLU can be identified. The lines can be removed with the SLUDEL command. The table then needs to be installed with the SLU_INSTALL command. Then the SLU option must be removed with the SERVORD 'DEO' command. There was a hunt group whose non-pilot members had to first be removed with the SERVORD 'DEL' command. The hunt group members were identified with 'QDN' and then removed from the hunt group with 'DEL'. Clearing all sets also clears the multiple appearance directory numbers thus clearing MDNMEM. SLELIST, RESFEAT, NSTAFAS, BCLIDLNK, BCLIDGRP, ACSCALL, ATTCONS, OFCTIID, CUSTTIID, TRKAIN, TRIGITM, SUBGRP, VFGENG were already empty. OWNTAB is read only VFGDATA, VIRTGRPS were already empty. IBNTREAT was cleared. MPHTYPE, MPHCON, MPHGRP, NACDGRP, REMNACD were already empty. POSITION was cleared. MPBINV, HSMLINK, IBNSC, CODECALL, DNIBERT, FMRESINV, LENFEAT, VARACCT, XLAMAP, DATAOWNR, ECSELIN, ECSMAP were already empty. MMCONF was cleared. IBNXLA was cleared. LENLINES, CCTR, OFRTMA4, OFRTMA3, OFRTMA2, OFRTMAP, PXLAMAP were already empty. STDPRTCT$STDPRT was cleared. UVMSCR, UVMRTE, FNPACONT$FNPASTS$RTEREF, CUSTANN, HNPACONT$RTEMAP were already empty. FNPACONT$FNPACODE was cleared. FNPACONT$RTEREF was cleared. REROUTE$NWMRROUT, CMSGCTRL were already empty. CLSVSCRC$CLSVSCR was cleared. CFW was cleared. DESTNODE, OFR4, OFR3, OFR2 were already empty. OFRT was cleared. LNPRTE, IBNMAP4, IBNMAP3, IBNMAP2, IBNMAP, E911TDRT were already empty. UCDGRP referenced some bad routes and had to be fixed first to reference only good routes, then the tuples were cleared. AMRROUTE, IBNRT4, IBNRT3, IBNRT2 were already empty. TMTCNTL$TREAT was cleared. NSCSCRN, OCCRDIG, HNPACONT$ATTRIB were already empty. HNPACONT$HNPACODE was cleared. HNPACONT$RTEREF was cleared. NSCDEFS, PXRTE, OFCRTE, NSCRTE, FTRTE, FARTE, CTRTE, PXCODE, OFCCODE, NSCCODE, FTCODE, FACODE, CTCODE, AMCODE were already empty. ACDRTE was cleared. AMHEAD, ACHEAD, ACCODE, ACRTE were already empty. NCOS was cleared. ACDENLOG, ESAPXLA, HUNTMEM, CUGINFO, AINPRI, LTMAP, DNCTINFO, CFX, CAPS, MSMWI, KSETQCK, WUCR, SCUFEAT, FTRGMEMS, DNDMSB, DNINV, RSDTLINE, E911RCER, SRDBXFER, E911SRDB, E911ESN, E911ALI were already empty. E911PSAP only contained the default entry which can't be removed. DNFEAT, ACDDNDR, DNROUTE, AABETC were already empty. ACDGRP was cleared. ACDLOGIN was already empty. ACDMISSP was cleared. ACDMISPL was cleared. ACDRTE, ACDSGRP, ACHEAD was already empty. ACLANG only had the default ENGLISH entry. ACLOGID was already empty. ACMSG seemed like something I shouldn't delete. ACRTE, ACSCALL, ACTCTL were already empty. ACTPATCH seemed like something I shouldn't delete. ACTSIG, ACTTRTMT were already empty. ADJNODE was cleared. AGGREINT, AIMDATA, AINANNS, AINPRESC, AINPRI, AIODGRP, AIODMEM, AIODTKN, AISDBS were already empty. AKEYTAB is a table you don't change. ALARMTAB is a table you don't change. ALMSC was already empty. ALMSCGRP was cleared. SFWALARM were changed to not refer to ALMSD ALMSD was cleared. ALMSDGRP was cleared. ALTSCHED, AMAGRPID were already empty. AMAOPTS was not changed. AMATKOPT, AMAXLAID, AMCODE, AMHEAD, AMRCAT, AMRROUTE, ANICNCTL, ANIDATA, ANNAUDID were already empty. ANNMEMS first needed the announcements in the INB state. This was done in mapci;mtc;trks;ttp. The announcements were posted with 'post g '. Then they were set to the MB stat with 'bsy mb all'. Afterwards, they were set to the INB state with 'bsy inb all'. Then the table was cleared. ANNPHLST was cleared. AUDIO was cleared. A reference was removed from CUSTHEAD, POTSDATA was referring to ANNMEM3. a reference was removed from IBNRTE, route 8 was referring to ANNMEM4. ANNS was cleared. ANNSPAP, APCDINV, APINV, AREACODE, ASCS, ASRTABLE, ATMCONN were already empty. ATMFWDA is a table you don't change. ATMTRAF, ATPIES, ATTCONS were already empty. ATTOPTNS was cleared. ATTSCHED was already empty. AUDALARM was NOT cleared. AUDIO, AUDPRGM, AUTHCDE were already empty. A reference to AUTHPART was removed from CUSTHEAD. AUTHPART was cleared. AUTOEXEC pointed to a nonexistent filed, but was left alone. AUTOHIB, AUTOMON, AUTOOPTS, AUTOPRSU were left unmodified. AUTOTAB, BANDSETS, BANNER were already empty. BCCODES, BCCOMPAT, BCDEF were left unmodified. BCLIDGRP, BCLIDLNK were already empty. IBNRTE was cleared. TRKSGRP was cleared. LTDEF was cleared. LTGRP was cleared. NWMCLLI was cleared. TRKGRP was cleared. CUSTNTWK was cleared. CODEBLK was cleared. CUSTCONS was cleared. CUSTSTN was cleared. CUSTHEAD was cleared except for PRADEFAULT and ASRDFLT. LINEATTR was cleared. XLAPLAN was cleared. XLANAME was cleared except for the PRADEFAULT and ASRDFLT translators. CLSVSCRC was cleared. MNLINK was cleared. MNMGPIP was cleared. MNCKTPAK was cleared. MNSHELF was cleared. MNNODE was cleared. NETBRDGE was cleared. LGRPINV was cleared. SERVRINV was cleared. NET2NET tuples were modified to eliminate connection between ENET and IP sides. LNINV was cleared. LCMDRINV is automatically cleared to NILDRWR when you remove line cards from LNINV apparently. LNSMTCE was cleared. MTAVERT was cleared. LCMINV was cleared. SYNCLK was set to make the switch it's own internal master. Before changing this table, the switch needs to be set to manually free running using "mapci;mtc;ms;clock;dpsync;". Note that after changing the tuple, the MSes would need to be busied and returned to service before the change really takes effect. However, that would be difficult if you were running the MS out of duplex, and isn't strictly necessary if your only intention is to allow clearing out LTCPSINV (removing dependencies on DS1 links used for timing). IPEINV was cleared, after the IPE shelves were offlined in "mapci;mtc;pm;" by posting with "post ipe ", then 'bsy pm all', then 'offl pm all'. LTCPSINV had every p-side link set to NILTYPE. In order to do this, DS1 links (which count as p-side links) had to be set to the manbsy state. This was done in "mapci;mtc;trks;carrier;". The appropriate link was posted with ex. 'post DTC 0'. The links can then be busied with 'bsy all' LTCINV needs the ENET links to be offlined before it can be cleared. This was done in "mapci;mtc;net;". Then enter the shelf menu for the ENET shelf with 'shelf '. The card can be brought up with "card ". The link can then be selected with 'link '. The port can be busied out per-plane with 'bsy link '. Then they can be offlined per-plane with 'offl link '. LTCINV also needs the PM to be offline. This can be done in "mapci;mtc;pm". The PM can be posted with e.g. 'post dtc 0' or similar. It can be busied with 'bsy pm' and then offlined with 'offl'. LTCINV was cleared after the above. RECEIVER needed the receivers to be busied before they could be cleared. That was done in mapci;mtc;trks;ttp. The "RCVRDGT" CLLI was posted with 'post g rcvrdgt'. The group was busied with 'bsy mb all' followed by 'bsy inb all'. Then the table was cleared. MTAMDRVE needed MTADRIVER to be INB before it could be cleared. That was again done in mapci;mtc;trks;ttp, see above. CLLI MTADRIVER. STN needed various tone CLLIs to be INB before it could be cleared. See above, same process. CLLIs are listed in the table. CONF3PR needed CF3P to be INB before it could be cleared. See above, same process, CLLI is CF3P. DMODEM needed DMODEM to be INB before it could be cleared. See above, same process, CLLI is DMODEM. SCGRP was cleared. DRAMPHRS was cleared. DRAMS needed the EDRAM to be offlined before it could be deleted. That can be done by posting the 'DTM' for the EDRAM card in mapci;mtc;pm. EDRAMINV was cleared. TMINV needed the PMs to be offlined before they could be cleared out. That was done in mapci;mtc;pm. The PMs were posted with e.g. 'post mtm ' TMINV also needed the ENET<-->PM links to be offlined. This is again done in mtc;net;shelf ;card . Then the links can be busied per-plane with bsy link , then offlined with offl link . A shortcut is to do bsy ds30all followed by offl ds30all for both planes. This must still be done per-card. This may not cover DS-512 links, but those don't apply to MTMs. ENCDINV needed to be cleared of crosspoint cards. There is a specific crosspoint deletion order that must be followed. The cards must be offlined before they can be deleted. They can be offlined in "mapci;mtc;net;shelf ". For simplicity, all cards can be offlined by first "bsy all" for each shelf, then "offl all" for each shelf. ENINV needed the ENET to be offlined. This was done in "mapci;mtc;net;system". The system can be manual busied one side at a time with bsy all. They can then be offlined with offl all. Then it was cleared. BEARNETS was cleared. BGDATA, BGLOCN, BILLCODE, BLDDATA were already empty. BLMTHRSH cannot have tuples added or deleted. BNMCUST, BROADCST, C7AFTPC, C7ALIAS, C7ALWGTT, C7ALWOPC, C7ALWSIO, C7BLKDPC, C7BLKOPC, C7BLKSIO, C7CDPA, C7CGPA were already empty. C7CNGSTN was already the default values and was left alone. C7DSTFLD, C7GATEPC, C7GATERS, C7GTT were already empty. C7GTTDF is not user-writeable. C7GTTYPE, C7GTWLKS, C7ISL, C7LINK were already empty. C7LKPARM contained only the default values and was left alone. C7LKSET, C7LOCSSN, C7NETSSN, C7NETWRK, C7NWPSET, C7ROUTER, C7RPLSSN, C7RSPSET, C7RSSCRN, C7RTESET were already empty. C7SSNTAB contains what I suspect is default data and I left it alone. C7TIMER, C7TRKMEM, C7UPTMR were already empty. CALLCHR seems like default data and was left alone. CALLTYPE, CAMACSW, CAMACSWS, CAPS, CARID were already empty. CARRMTC was left alone. CATCLASS, CATCODES, CCS7PPLN, CCSALARM, CCTR, CDCCUGS, CDCDNAS, CDCDNS, CDCLENS, CDCLOGON, CDCOPTS were already empty. CDCPHPAR, CFFPDPLN, CFFPTYPE were left alone. CFIBDATA was already empty. CFTODDN was cleared. CFW, CFX, CFXCMD, CGNSCRN, CHARGTAB, CICSETS, CICSIZE4, CKLN, CKTDIGIT were already empty. CLIDN was cleared. TONES was cleared. SITE was cleared except for HOST which seems to be permanent. CLLI was cleared except for a few which didn't delete and it sounded like I probably shouldn't try too hard. CMDS and CMGRING were left alone. IPNETWRK was cleared. CMIPADDR was cleared. CMSGCTRL, CMVMWI, CNALDSPK, CODEBLK, CODEC, CODECALL were already empty. CODECDAT, CODECLST, CODECSPC were left alone. CONF3PR, CONF6PR, CONTLEN were already empty. COSDATA was cleared. COSMAP was cleared except for the NIL map which cannot be deleted. CPOS was already empty. CPOSTIME, CRSFMT, CRSMAP were left alone. CSDDSCUG, CSUSP, CTCODE, CTHEAD, CTRTE, CUGINFO were already empty. CUSTAB is read only. CUSTACD, CUSTANN, CUSTANNS were already empty. CUSTAREA was left alone. CUSTCONS was already empty. CUSTENG was cleared except for PRADEFAULT, ASRDEFAULT, PFDEFAULT. CUSTFAM was cleared. CUSTFLDS was left alone. CUSTNTWK was already empty. CUSTPROT was left alone. CUSTSMDR, CUSTSTN, CUSTTIID, CUSTXTRA, CXGRP, DANIID were already empty. DART was left alone. DATAOWNR was already empty. DATASIZE was left alone. DAYOWEEK, DAYOYEAR were cleared. TIMEODAY was cleared. TODHEAD couldn't be cleared for unknown reasons DAYTYPES couldn't be cleared because TODHEAD couldn't be cleared. DCANETID was left alone. DCHINV, DCMINV, DCNTAB, DCRNETID, DCROPT, DCSITE, DCTDIAL were already empty. DDTAB, DDU, DEFDATA, DESTDATA were left alone. DESTKEY, DESTNODE were already empty. DFINV was left alone. DGCODE, DGHEAD, DIALBACK were already empty. DIALPLAN was left alone. DIGCOL, DIGMAN were cleared. DIRPHOLD, DIRPOOL2 were already empty. DIRPPOOL, DIRPSSYS were left alone. DIUAM, DIUCONN, DLCDEV, DLMINV, DMODEM, DMOTAB were already empty. DNATTRS was cleared. DNCHNL, DNCTINFO, DNDMSB, DNDSCHED, DNFEAT were already empty. DNGRPS has some kind of data issue, every tuple except the one that was 'NOT FOUND' was deleted. Not sure if this is going to cause an issue. The problem tuple seems to be 205 348 1000 1000. DNIBERT, DNINV, DNLPIC, DNMAP, DNOWN, DNPIC, DNREGION, DNREVXLA, DNROUTE, DNSCRN, DPACDEV, DPCMAP were already empty. DPCTSCRN was left alone and only contained a default entry. DPLNSCRN was left alone. DPP, DPROFILE, DPTRKMEM, DRAMPHRS, DRAMS, DRAMTRK were already empty. DRMAPPL, DRMPOOL, DRMTRANS were left alone. DRMUSERS, DRTUOPT were already empty. DSCWDTYP contained apparent default values. DSLIMIT was left alone. DSTTABLE was cleared. DTUPRO was left alone. E164IDX, E164NUM, E911ALI, E911ESN, E911NPD, E911OFC were already empty. E911PSAP contained only the default entry. E911RCER, E911SRDB, E911TDRT, EADAS were already empty. EADNMPK was left alone. EADNMTG, EADNMTGP, EASAC, ECHCONF, ECHINV, ECHOSUP, ECSELIN, ECSMAP, EDRAMINV, EMMCDATA, ENCDINV, ENG640I1, ENIMLAST, ENINV, ENMLASST, ENSITES, ENTYPES, ESA, ESAHNPA, ESAPXLA, ESARTE, EXNDINV, FACODE, FAHEAD, FAILMSG, FANISCR, FARTE were already empty. FEATCNTL has only the default two tuples, which can't be deleted. FEATDESC appears to have default values. FGBCIC, FLEXAMA, FLEXDIGS were already empty. FLEXRES is not a user-modified table. FLXCMAP cannot be cleared, and likely contains defaults anyway. FMRESINV was already empty. FMRESUSE contains default values. FMTINV, FMTMAP, FMTSC, FNMAP, FNPA7DIG were already empty. FNPACONT was cleared after ensuring it's subtables were clear. FPDEVINV, FPDIPINV were already empty. FPRTSCHD, FREECALL, FREEZTAB didn't have any documentation, so I left it alone. FRSACCCN was already empty. FRSCCTRL contained only the default tuple. FRSCIR, FRSCNEND, FRSTRKCN, FRSTRKGP, FRSTRKS, FTCODE, FTHEAD, FTRANDEV, FTRGDEFS, FTRGMEMS, FTRGOPTS, FTRTE were already empty. FTSPCINV is a system read-only table. FWINV has an inventory of XA-Core pack baseline firmware images and versions, so I didn't touch it. GASINFO, GATWYINV were already empty. GDLADEV was left alone. GWEPCARR was already empty. HEAPTAB was left alone. HIEINV was already empty. RATEAREA was cleared. LCASCRCN$LCASCR were cleared. LCASCRCN was cleared. TOFCNAME was cleared. NMSDATA seemed to be cleared automatically SNPANAME had a single entry, '205'. This was cleared, but the DMS suggested that a new SNPA should be added to replace the existing one, or else the table would be corrupted. SNPA '222' was added. HNPACONT was similarly changed by the SNPA change, the '205' entry changed to '222'. HNPACONT's subtable were already cleared on a prior occasion. HOMELRN, HPCPATTN were already empty. HPWASTE was left alone (it's some kind of system table I probably shouldn't touch) HSMLINK, HUNTGRP, HUNTMEM were already empty. HWM is an internal use only table and I didn't touch it. IBNATD, IBNFEAT, IBNFXDS1, IBNLINES, IBNMAP, IBNMAP2, IBNMAP3, IBNMAP4, IBNRT2, IBNRT3, IBNRT4, IBNRTE, IBNSC, IBNTREAT, IBNXLA, ICIDATA, IHEADDR were already emtpy. IMAGEDEV contains the automatic image dump volumes, and wasn't changed. IMGSCHED contains the automatic image dump schedule, and wasn't changed. INIDTAB, INSTALL, INWOMAP, INWORIBN, INWORICN, INWORIRT, INWSNPA, INWTERCN, INWTERTE, INWTMAP were already empty. IOC contains the IOC definitions, and wasn't changed since I still needed terminals for the moment. IPAPPL was already empty. IPECARDS seems to be a listing of IPE card PECs and was not touched. IPEINV, IPHOST, IPINV, IPMLINV, IPNETWRK, IPPROTO, IPROUTER, IPSCP were already empty. IPSETINV was not documented and was not touched. IPTHRON, IRLNKINV were already empty. ISAINFO was mostly set to the defaults, and was left alone. ISAMENU, ISAXLA, ISCASSGN, ISDNBILL were already empty. ISDNPARM was cleared. ISDNPROT was already empty. ISDNVAR was left alone. ISERVOPT, ISGDEF, ISGTDM, ISTRKGRP, ISUPDEST, IVDINV, IVDTRBL were already empty. KEY_ITEM and KEY_MAP are some internal things and weren't touched. KP2TRUNK, KSETFEAT, KSETINV, KSETKEYS, KSETLINE, KSETQCK, KTGROUP, KTMINMAX were already empty. KTPARMS was not touched. L2ABNLOG, L3ABNLOG, LAMABC were already empty. LATANAME only contained the default NILLATA entry, and was not touched. LATAXLA, LATTRDR, LCA6SCRN, LCAINFO, LCASCRCN were already empty. LCCOPT is read only. LCMDRINV, LCMINV, LDAPTAB, LDTINV, LENFEAT, LENLINES, LENTRBL were already empty. LGINCTRL is used by DART, not to be modified directly. Use TERMDEV and CI command 'LOGINCONTROL' instead. LGRPINV, LIDINFO, LIMCDINV, LIMINV, LIMPTINV, LINEATTR, LINESTAT, LIUINV, LKIDTAB, LMINV, LMOVCODE, LMRNG, LNENDPT, LNINV, LNINVEXT, LNMPEOC, LNPCODE were already empty. LNPOPTS was left alone. LNPRTE, LNSMTCE, LNTDM, LNTHRSH were already empty. LOGCLASS was left alone. LOGDEV was cleared except for logs which save to disk (F02LMISC). The devices must be stopped first in the LOGUTIL CI level, using the STOPDEV command. LOGICAL_TABLE is some sort of DART or internal table and wasn't touched. LOGTHROT, LPBKMEM, LPICPXLA were already empty. LSCFLAGS was cleared. LSPINFO, LTCALLS, LTCINV, LTCPSINV, LTCRINV, LTCRPINV, LTDATA, LTDEF, LTDSD were already empty. LTGRP only contained the default ISDN entry. LTMAP, LTPAUX were already empty. LTPDEF was not touched. MDNGRP, MDNMEM, MGCINV, MMCONF, MNATMCON, MNATMIF, MNCKTPAK, MNETIDS, MNETOFC, MNHSCARR, MNIP were already empty. MNIPPARM was left alone. MNMGPIP, MNNODE, MNPRIIID were already empty. MNPRTGRP was cleared. MNSHELF, MODEMPRO, MPBINV were already empty. SLLNKDEV needed the MPCs busied first. This was done in MAPCI;MTC;IOD;IOC x;PORT y. The IOC and PORT number for a given link needs to be looked up in table MPC. Then the MPC can be busied with the 'BSY' command. Then SLLNKDEV was cleared. MPCLINK needs the links to be OFFLINE first. This was done in MAPCI;MTC;IOD;IOC x;PORT y. Again, the IOC and PORT number must be looked up in table MPC. The MPC can then be offlined with the 'OFFL' command. Then MPCLINK was cleared. MPC was cleared. MPCFASTA, MPCLINK, MPCLOGIN, MPCLSET, MPHCON, MPHGRP, MPHTYPE were already empty. MQLIMITS was left alone. MRSANAME, MSBINV, MSBPSINV were already empty. MSCDINV, MSCNFGDR, MSFWLOAD were left alone. MSGRTE was already empty. MSILINV, MSINV were left alone. MSMWI, MSPTINV, MSPTINV, MTAHORIZ, MTAMDRVE, MTAVERT were already empty. MTD was left alone for now. MULTILNK was already empty. MULTITM was left alone. MUMRMBI, MUMRTAB were already empty. MWDATA contains the default data and cannot be cleared. NACDGRP, NARDATA, NCOS, NCSADDR, NCSAPPL, NET2NET, NETBRDGE, NETJUNCT were already empty. NETNAMES was cleared except for the default PUBLIC entry. This might have also fixed that oddity with DNGRPS? we'll see. NETPATH was cleared. NETWORK, NIUINV, NLUPCLLI, NMSDATA were already cleared. NNASST was left alone. NOPADDR, NOPAPPLN were cleared. NOPDEST was already empty. NOPUSERS was cleared. NPACAT, NPASPLIT, NPDIGMAP, NPENDING, NPRESERV, NSCANNS, NSCCARR, NSCCODE, NSCDEFS, NSCHEAD, NSCPMAP, NSCRTE, NSCSCRN, NSCSNPA, NSTAFAS were already empty. NTPOLL was left alone. NTWKCLLI, NWMAOCR, NWMCLLI, NWMIDOC, NWMPPLN, NWMSC, NWMSCPT, NWMSD, NWMSDPT, NX25, OCCINFO, OCCMAP were already empty. OCCNAME was cleared except for NILC. OCCRDIG, OCCSRV, OCCTSINT were already empty. OFCAUT was left alone. OFCCODE was already empty. OFCENG was left alone. OFCHEAD was already empty. OFCOPT was left alone. OFCRTE was already empty. OFCSTD was left alone. OFCTIID was already empty. OFCVAR was left alone. OFR2, OFR3, OFR4, OFRT, OFRTMA2, OFRTMA3, OFRTMA4, OFRTMAP were already empty. OHBTADMN was already the default tuple. OHBTINV, OHIP, OHIPBULK were already empty. OKPARMS, OMACC, OMACCFLD, OMACCGRP, OMACCKEY were left alone. OMACCTOT, OMDATA were already empty. OMDEV, OMGRPORD, OMKEYORD, OMPRT, OMREPORT, OMTAPE were left alone. OMTHRESH was already empty. OMTOTAL was left alone. OPMINV was already empty. OPTCTL, OPTOPT were left alone. OSSPROV, OVR0 through OVR89, OWATZONE, OWNER were already empty. OWNTAB was left alone. PACMAN was already empty. PADDATA, PADNDEV, PATALARM, PATCHOPT were left alone. PATCTRL, PATHSET were already empty. PATNS, PATSET were left alone. PAUSPATT, PCEMENTT, PCEMFEID, PCIC were already empty. PECINV, PFCTRL, PFXTREAT were left alone. PHDS1, PHINFO, PHINV were already empty. PICNAME contained only the default carriers. PILOTGRP, PINDATA were already empty. PLATAB was left alone. PMEXCEPT was already empty. PMLOADS was left alone. PMNODES, PODPATTR, POSITION were already empty. POSNAME was left alone. PRECONF, PREFHUNT, PREPLANS were already empty. PRETNAME was left alone, will be cleared when I make it to STDPRT. PRI1WAY was already empty. PRIPROF was cleared except SL1PROFL which cannot be deleted. PRITST was already empty. PRSMALRM, PRSMOPTS, PRSUDATA were left alone. PRTN2CCD, PSCNUM, PSNAILUP, PTIDTAB, PVCINFO, PVDNAGEN, PVDNCHAN, PVDNCUST, PXCODE, PXHEAD, PXLAMAP, PXRTE, R2PROT were already empty. RADR was left alone. RASLAPPL, RASTRK, RATEAREA, RCCINV, RCCPSINV, RCFCLI, RCNAME, RCO2MAP, RCSINV were already empty. RCTALM was left alone. RCTINV, RCUALRMS, RCUINV, RDTINV, RDTLT were already empty. REASONS was left alone. RECEIVER, REMCLLI, REMNACD, REPLCODE, REPLDATA, REPLNAME, REROUTE, RESFEAT, RESGROUP, RESINV, RESMEM were already empty. RESOFC, REXINTEN, REXSCHED were left alone. RGSIGSYS was already empty. RLOGCLAS was left alone. RLOGDEV was already empty. RLOGTAB was left alone. RMCONFIG, RMMINV, RMPCKT, ROTLCB, ROTLSCSD were already empty. RRTE was left alone. RSDTLINE, RSM, RTECHAR, SACB, SAIDOFC were already empty. SAUSERS, SBSFMT were left alone. SBSMAP, SCAICOMS, SCAIGRP, SCAIPROF were already empty. SCAISSRV was left alone. SCALLTAB, SCCPTMR, SCGRP were already empty. SCHEDULE was left alone. SCRGRP was already empty. SCRNCLAS was cleared except for NSCR. SCUFEAT, SDGRP were already empty. SDMBILL was left alone. SDMINV, SDSCUST, SDSINFO, SEILINKS were already empty. SELDEFS was left alone. SERVRINV, SERVSINV were already empty. SETDEFS, SFWALARM were left alone. SHADOW, SIGACT, SILCNWM, SIMCRI, SIMCRIT, SIMRES, SIPLINK were already empty. SITE was left alone. SLELIST, SLLNKDEV, SNMPTAB were already empty. SNPANAME, SOCFEAT, SOCOPT, SOCVAR, SOFTKEY were left alone. SORLIST was already empty. SPAPAPPL was left alone. SPAPINV, SPCCON, SPCTRKS, SPECCONN, SPINFO, SPLANILN, SPMCHAST, SPMECAN were already empty. SPMLDVAL, SPMSIDX, SPMSMTD, SPMSRSLT, SPMSTXT were left alone. SPMTIDMP, SRASCRN, SRDBXFER, SSPTKINF were already empty. SSRDEF, SSRFORM were left alone. STDPRTCT was cleared after ensuring it's subtables were already cleared. STIDX, STINV, STN, STPOOLS, STRATTRS, STREAM, STS2CCDB, SUBGRP, SUBPROT, SUPERTKG, SUSHELF were already empty. SVCDATA, SVCRATE were left alone. SVPRIGRP, SVRCKT, SYLNKINV were already empty. SYNCLK was left alone. SYNOGLNK was already empty. SYSDATA, TABLES, TABMON, TABTYPES were left alone. TAPIDTAB, TCAPTRID, TCNDATA, TDCHLDY, TDCSCHED, TELEPROF were already empty. TERMDEV was cleared except for MAP and MAP1, which are the terminals I've been using to administer the switch. Some of the devices had to be offlined to delete them, which was done with the 'BSY' command followed by the 'OFFL' command in MAPCI;MTC;IOD;IOC x;PORT y. TEXTLOG was already empty. TEXTPHRS was left alone. TFANINT, TFSSCRN, TIESCDIG, TIMEODAY, TKCVDATA, TKRESCLS, TKRESMAP, TKTONODE, TMINV were already empty. TMTCNTL can't have entries deleted, and it's subtables were already deleted. TMTMAP was left alone. TODHEAD has some kind of problem and ACU and TICKET can't be removed despite no apparent extant references. TOFCNAME, TOLLENTC, TOLLTRKS, TONES, TONESGRP, TPROMPTS, TRA125I1, TRA125I2, TRA250I1 were already empty. TRBLCODE was left alone. TRGSIESC was already empty. TRIGASGN was left alone. TRIGDIG, TRIGESC, TRIGGRP, TRIGINFO, TRIGITM, TRKAIN, TRKGRP, TRKLATA, TRKMEM, TRKMTCE were already empty. TRKNAME is a read only table. TRKOPTS, TRKRCSEL, TRKSGRP, TRTMTACT, TSTEQUIP were already empty. TSTLCONT was cleared after clearing it's subtables, TLNOS. TSTXCON, TTL4, TVDSTRKS, UCDGRP, USPPATHS, UVMRTE, UVMSCR, VARACCT, VCHIDTAB were already empty. VEONAME, VERSIONS were left alone. VFGDATA, VFGENG, VIRTGRPS, VMXTAB, VOWINV, VRDNINV were already empty. VRINV is read only. WATSAUTH, WATSBAND, WCKCODES, WUCR, X75INFO were already empty. XACINV cannot be edited directly, but using the mapci;mtc;xac interface, various packs can be busied, physically removed, and then unequipped. The HIOPs and two PEs were removed this way. Due to the configuration of the software, the SM cannot be reduced at present. about 55W per PE, 45W per SM, and 60W per HIOP can be saved with equipment reductions (measured on the 120VAC side, about 80% efficient rectifiers). XAFWLOAD was left alone. XAMDILNK was already empty. XASHELF was left alone. XESAINV, XFERADDR, XFERSSYS, XLAMAP were already empty. XLANAME only contained the entries for the default unremovable customer groups. XLAPLAN, XLIUMAP were already empty. XOVERSTA, XPMLFP were left alone. XSGDEF, ZONEORDR were already empty. the contents of the SFDEV were cleared out with LISTSF INFO ALL and ERASESF. SYSTEM/$$SYS$$ owned files, SMDR_CLEANUP, DAILYOM were left alone. DDU was cleared after verifying those drives weren't being used by anything. The drive needed to be offlined first in MAPCI;MTC;IOD;IOC x;PORT y using the 'BSY' and 'OFFL' commands. MTD was cleared after verifying those drives weren't being used by anything. PFXTREAT was cleared.