This page contains usage information for the various services and telephone equipment offered at VCFMW.
Most of the VCFMW analog telephones are served off of a Nortel Merdian Option 11C PBX. Many of those lines have certain calling features turned on, specifically 3 way calling and call waiting.
All Meridian lines which were not intended for modem usage are equipped with 3 way calling and call waiting by default, unless otherwise specified on the signup form. Modem lines do not have 3 way calling or call waiting by default, unless otherwise specified on the signup form.
To consult privately with a 3rd party: depress the hookswitch once momentarily; listen for recall dial tone; dial third party's telephone number; listen for ringing; third party answers; consult.
To return to original party: depress switchook twice, each time momentarily.
To add a 3rd party: place the original call on hold by depressing the hookswitch once, momentarily; listen for recall dial tone; dial third party's telephone number; listen for ringing; depress the switchook once more momentarily; all three parties are connected.
To remove a 3rd party: depress switchhook once, momentarily.
While in a call, the call waiting tone may be heard indicating there is another caller attempting to connect.
To answer the 3rd party: depress hookswitch once momentarily; 3rd party is connected, original call is placed on hold.
To return to the original call: depress hookswitch once momentarily; original call is returned and the 3rd party is disconnected.