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SL-100 Wanted List

This is a list of equipment, accessories, etc. that I would like to have for my SL-100. While some of this equipment is common on the secondhand market, much of it is not and what is may be prohibitively expensive. If you can get anything on this list, please reach out to me and we'll see if we can work something out.

This list will contain information on the equipment I'm looking for. It will explain what it is, what it does, what it looks like, and how it can be located (particularly when it's a card in a switch).

I have placed what I consider to be the highest priority items at the top of the list.

Message Switch (MS) Cards

NT9X53/NT9X54 Clock Controller and Paddleboard

SS7 Equipment

NT9X13CA/NT9X75/NT9X76 LIU7 (3 board)

NT9X77/NT9X78/NTEX26AA LIU7 paddleboards

NTEX22/NT9X76 LIU7 (2 board)

NT9X77/NT9X78/NTEX26AA LIU7 paddleboards


NTEX78AA/NTEX26BA HLIU paddleboards


NTEX22BA/NTEX25/NTEX28 Network Interface Unit Channel Bus Controller and Paddleboard

Attendant Console Equipment

NT3X02/NT3X03 Digital Modems

NT3X68AB DTMF Sender

NT4X08/NT4X09 Attendant Console

Message Switch (MS) Cards

NT9X53/NT9X54 Clock Controller and Paddleboard

The clock controller card and it's paddleboard act as the local timing reference for the whole DMS switch. It can lock to external references or it can operate in a standalone manner.

Normally there are only two sets of card and paddleboard in the switch, one in each plane of the message switch. I have both sets of cards, however I believe one of my clock controllers is broken so I am looking for a replacement in case I cannot repair it.

This is a supernode architecture card, longer and narrower than a typical DMS card. Typically the faceplate is brown and appears to be plastic with one ejector lever at each end. The card will have one LED on the front.

The paddleboard is located on the back side of the shelf behind the clock controller card. It has several connectors on it's brown plastic faceplate. The two ejector levers at each end allow for it to be removed.

These cards are always located in the message switch shelves, which should always be located in the DPCC cabinet. To confirm and locate the cards, you can check table MSCDINV:

   MSCDKEY                                                          SLOTINFO
   0  0  2                                           CLOCK NT9X53AD NT9X54AC
   1  0  2                                           CLOCK NT9X53AD NT9X54AC

Note that logical slot 2 is physical slot 8 on the normal MS shelf.

You can locate the message switch shelves by checking table MSINV:

       0     0  AA        0   DPCC       0 NT9X01BA NT9X04AA 39
       1     0  AA        0   DPCC       0 NT9X01BA NT9X04AA 26

This table will list the two message switch shelves. We check their location in the FRTYPE, FRAMENO, FRINFO, FLOOR, ROW, and FRAMEPOS columns. The message switch shelves are housed in the DPCC cabinet (FRTYPE, FRAMENO) at shelf positions 26 and 39 (FRINFO), which is located on floor 0 (FLOOR), row AA (ROW), and frame position 0 (FRAMEPOS).

SS7 Equipment

First off, here's the complete list of cards covered in this section as all of the info is a bit long:

All of the equipment in this section are supernode architecture cards and their associated paddleboards. These cards are longer and narrower than typical DMS cards. Typically the faceplates are brown and appear to be plastic with one ejector lever at each end.

SS7 equipment consists of NIUs and LIUs. LIUs can be located by checking the LIUINV table:

 LIU7  100   LIM 1 1 8  ACC36CA          NT9X13CA 
                         NT9X75AA NT9X76AA NTEX26AA $ 56000 ABI
 LIU7  200 MS 12 0 1 8  LPX36BB          NTEX22BA 
                               NT9X76AA NT9X78BA FBUS 56000 NIL
 HLIU  300   LIM 2 1 8  HCA04BD          NTEX22CA
                                      NTEX76AA FBUS 1536 96_125
 HSLR  400   LIM 2 1 10 HCA04BD          NTEX22CA

The first entry is for a 3-board LIU7 in a normal link interface shelf (LIS), located in LIM 1 shelf 1. The second is for a 2-board LIU7 in a fiberized LIS attached directly to the message switches, attached to MS card 12 port 0. The third is for an HLIU in a normal LIS, located in LIM 2 shelf 1. The fourth is for an HSLR in a normal LIS, also located in LIM 2 shelf 1.

To find the LIS, we can check table SUSHELF:

  LIM 1 19 0 1     1  AA        2      LIM        1        0 NT9X72BA
(7 NT9X74DA NT9X79BA) (30 NIL NTEX20AA) (1 NTDX16AA NIL)
(4 NTDX16AA NIL) $ (32 NT9X74DA NT9X79BA) (8 NIL NTEX20BA)
(33 NTDX16AA NIL) (36 NTDX16AA NIL) $
 MS NIL 12 0 1     1  AA        4     MCNI        0       26 NT9X72CA
(7 NT9X96AA NT9X98AA) (30 NIL NTEX20AA) (1 NT9X31AB NIL)
(4 NT9X30AB NIL) $ (32 NT9X96AA NT9X98AA) (8 NIL NTEX20BA)
(33 NT9X31AB NIL) (36 NT9X30AB NIL) $
  LIM 2 18 0 1     1  AA        6      LIM        1        0 NT9X72BA
(7 NT9X74DA NT9X79BA) (30 NIL NTEX20AA) (1 NTDX16AA NIL)
(4 NTDX16AA NIL) $ (32 NT9X74DA NT9X79BA) (8 NIL NTEX20BA)
(33 NTDX16AA NIL) (36 NTDX16AA NIL) $

The first entry is for LIM 1 shelf 1, the second for the fiberized LIS attached to MS card 12 port 0, and the third for LIM 2 shelf 1. We can tell this from the information embedded in the SHELFKEY. For the LIM entries, the first and fourth numbers designate LIM and shelf. For the MS entry, the first and second numbers designate the card and port the LIS is connected to. That allows us to pair up the info in LIUINV to the shelf.

From here, we can check the info in FLOOR, ROW, and FRAMEPOS to find the position of the actual cabinet the shelf resides in, as well as SHELFPOS to see what vertical level the shelf is positioned at within the cabinet.

NT9X13CA/NT9X75/NT9X76 LIU7 (3 board)

This LIU7 is a 3-card LIU used in LIS shelves for interfacing SS7 circuits. The NT9X13 is a processor card, the NT9X75 is an interface to the LIS F-bus, and the NT9X76 is the interface to the signaling link itself. The NT9X76 gets paired with a paddleboard, detailed in the next section.

NT9X77/NT9X78/NTEX26AA LIU7 paddleboards

Behind the NT9X76, there will be a paddleboard installed. The NT9X77, NT9X78, and NTEX26AA are different possible interfaces for the LIU7. The first two are for V.35 and DDS, while the third interfaces with a channel bus to nail up a DS0 to a digital trunk elsewhere in the switch.

The NTEX26 paddleboards require an NIU to work.

NTEX22/NT9X76 LIU7 (2 board)

This LIU7 is a 2-card LIU used in LIS shelves for interfacing SS7 circuits. This is similar to the 3-card version, except the processor and F-bus interface are combined into the single NTEX22 card. I believe either the NTEX22AA or NTEX22BA processor card is suitable. I am not sure about the NTEX22CA processor card, which may only be suitable for other applications such as the HLIU (covered later).

The NT9X76 is still used for the signaling interface, along with the same paddleboards as the 3-card LIU.

NT9X77/NT9X78/NTEX26AA LIU7 paddleboards

The paddleboards for the 2 board LIU7 are the same as those for the 3 board LIU7. See the section on those paddleboards for more information.


The HLIU is a newer SS7 LIU capable of higher speed links than the older LIU7s, which only support up to 64k links. The NTEX22CA is a processor card with 32MB of memory and the NTEX76AA is the higher speed version of the signaling interface board. The NTEX76AA gets paired with a paddleboard for the physical interface, described in the next section.

NTEX78AA/NTEX26BA HLIU paddleboards

The NTEX78AA paddleboard is a DS-1 interface for the HLIU. The NTEX26BA paddleboard intefaces with the channel bus to nail up DS0s to a digital trunk elsewhere in the switch.

The NTEX26 paddleboards require an NIU to work.


The HSLR is a high speed link router using the same processor card as the HLIU. I think it accomplishes SS7 routing without having any interfaces of it's own.

NTEX22BA/NTEX25/NTEX28 Network Interface Unit Channel Bus Controller and Paddleboard

The NTEX22BA is a processor board and F-bus interface card. The NTEX25 is used to provide the channel bus within a LIS in order to interface NTEX26 paddleboards to the network in order to nail up DS0s between LIUs and digital trunks elsewhere in the switch. This hardware is required for those paddleboards to work correctly. The NTEX25 also requires it's own paddleboard, the NTEX28AA, to interface with DS-30s from the network.

The NIU cards can be located by checking the NIUINV table:

 NUMBER LOCATION    LOAD                                             U0INFO
                    UN1INFO                                        NETLINKS
      1  LIM 3 1 NRS34AA                       NTEX22BB NTEX25AA NTEX28AA +
 NTEX22BB NTEX25AA NTEX28AA                                    1  2  1  3 $

In this example, the NIU units are in LIM 3, shelf 1. As detailed above, the LIS can be located by using table SUSHELF.

Attendant Console Equipment

DMS-100 attendant consoles are used with Centrex customer groups on the switch. This means the hardware related to attendant consoles may be present in almost any DMS-100 family switch. A couple elements of the hardware is also used for TOPS, so it may be present even in switches that don't serve customer lines directly.

NT3X02/NT3X03 Digital Modems

Together, theses cards act as modems to communicate with an attendant console or TOPS system. The two cards will generally be installed next to each other as I understand it, and both are required for attendant consoles.

They are cards in the usual DMS form-factor, generally brown metal faceplate with ejector levers at either end. They are often installed in a DMS MTM shelf, housed in a TME frame. Alternatively, they may be installed in an ISM shelf or MTM shelf housed in an MCAM or ISME cabinet.

To locate the cards in an active system, you can first check the DMODEM table:

      0    MTM    5       0   3X02AA
      4    MTM    9       0   3X02AA

Checking columns TMTYPE and TMNO, you can see from this example that there are two NT3X02AA cards installed, one in MTM 5 and one in MTM 9. To find those MTMs, you can check TMINV:

    LOAD  EXECS                               SCTMLOC
       MTM    5    TME    1    51     1   B     0   0 31  2  0 2X58AC
 MTMKA02  MTMEX                                SHELF 
      MTM    9    TME    2    51     1   B     1   0 31  4  0 2X58AC
 MTMKA02  MTMEX                                SHELF 

We find the TM using the TMNM column. Then we check it's location in the FRTYPE, FRNO, SHPOS, FLOOR, ROW, and FRPOS columns. You can see here that MTM 5, for example, is located in the TME 2 frame (FRTYPE, FRNO) at shelf position 51 (SHPOS), which is in turn located on floor 1 (FLOOR), row B (ROW), frame position 1 (FRPOS).

NT3X68AB DTMF Sender

The NT3X68AB is a DTMF Sender card. It allows the attendant console to send DTMF to a distant endpoint for signaling purposes. Normally the attendant console does not use DTMF for dialing purposes, but it may become necessary to use the attendant console for e.g. navigating an IVR.

They are cards in the usual DMS form-factor, generally brown metal faceplate with ejector levers at either end. They are often installed in a DMS MTM shelf, housed in a TME frame. Alternatively, they may be installed in an ISM shelf or MTM shelf housed in an MCAM or ISME cabinet.

To locate the cards in an active system, you can first check the SVRCKT table:

SVDTMF    1               MTM    5      21            3X68AB

Checking columns TMTYPE and TMNO, you can see from this example that there is an NT3X68AB card installed in MTM 0. To find those MTMs, you can check TMINV:

    LOAD  EXECS                               SCTMLOC
       MTM    5    TME    1    51     1   B     0   0 31  2  0 2X58AC
 MTMKA02  MTMEX                                SHELF 

We find the TM using the TMNM column. Then we check it's location in the FRTYPE, FRNO, SHPOS, FLOOR, ROW, and FRPOS columns. You can see here that MTM 5, for example, is located in the TME 2 frame (FRTYPE, FRNO) at shelf position 51 (SHPOS), which is in turn located on floor 1 (FLOOR), row B (ROW), frame position 1 (FRPOS).

NT4X08/NT4X09 Attendant Console

The Attendant Console is a brownish-beige console phone intended to be used with a headset. If you have one of these laying around, it's probably at a reception desk or on a shelf somewhere disused.

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